Contact Us

How Can We Help?

If you have any questions, our team is here for you and happy to be of assistance via email or phone at the school office (559) 258-0800.

School Administration

Steph Johnson

(559) 258-0787

Maria Thoeni

Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
(559) 258-0864

Jenny Plumb

Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services
(559) 456-1443

Dr. Steven James

Deputy Director to the Superintendents
(559) 370-0403

Michelene Fitzgerald

Director of Community Engagement
(559) 905-5373

Barbara Bolaños

Director of Regional Coordinators
559-258-1838 (ext. 2038)

Natalie Douty

Director of Regional Coordinators
(559) 349-0692

Denise Voth

Director of Secondary Education
(559) 422-7674

Amy Friesen

Assistant Director of Secondary Education
(559) 259-6986

Dr. Yolanda Vazquez

Director of Student Support
(559) 258-1931

Lorraine Sewell

Director of Special Education
(559) 258-1665

Dr. Damien Phillips

Director of Human Resources & Financial Operations

Anna Wilkinson

Assistant Director of Professional Growth & Development

Anahi Garrett

Senior Administrative Assistant
(559) 258-2152

Crystal Deatherage

Accountability & Compliance Manager
(559) 258-1320

Sarah Vega

SPED Administrative Assistant | Student Support Specialist
(559) 258-1307